In The Growroom

In The Growroom


The key to a quality finished product is a plant that is happy throughout its’ entire lifecycle. From sprout or clone, to veg, to bloom, a healthy and happy plant in combination with good genetics and an optimal environment results in quality meds. Proper temperature, humidity, CO2 levels, substantial light, and proper feeding schedule are just a few key factors. There are a hundred nutrient line-ups and thousands of additives, but there is no “magic bottle” keep your environment in check and spend lots of time with your girls!

Develop a plan of attack and talk to someone who has experience to help you start out. Grow supplies are expensive and plants aren’t that hard to kill so save some time and money and do your research.

Growroom Problems - Mildew
12/09/16 Mark E 0

SporesHow do I Recognize, Control, and Prevent Powdery Mildew?In..

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11/25/16 Mark E 0

PHENOTYPES: phenotypes are characteristics plants will have. IE/..

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Temperature and Humidity
11/25/16 Mark E 0

HUMIDITYhumidity n. Dampness, especially of the air. Relative hu..

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The Growing Process
11/25/16 Mark E 0

TO SEED OR NOT TO SEED?To seed or to clone isn’t always the easi..

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Growroom Construction
11/25/16 Mark E 0

What size should my growroom be?Open Loop vs Closed Loop Grow.So..

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Showing 1 to 6 of 7 (2 Pages)